Plant Parent Gift Box

Plant Parent Gift Box

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Bringing the outside in requires some dedicated TLC. Whether someone is just starting in their indoor plant journey, or their plant corner is already starting to grow into, well, more corners, these curated items will keep their plants flourishing and their cup full!

Packed in a sweet craft brown box and tied with a bow, this box includes:

4.5" Gemstone Cylinder Pot with Water Saucer (Momma Pots)
4" Tropical Plant (variety based on availability)
Forged Steel Pruning Sheers (Seattle Seed Co.)
Organic Microbial Fertilizer (Earth Medicine)
Insecticidal Soap Plant Spray (Organics x Oddities)
Cup Bud Vase (Chive)
Moisture Meter (Classy Casita)

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